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We love healthy fruits and refreshing juices!

Our menu may vary depending on the season and availability of these fruits. Here are a selection of some of our favorites, a description and health benefits of each of them! 

Image by Sandro Strenta


Naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet, nutty taste. The water and tender meat of young coconuts are very nutritious. The water can be used as a natural sports recovery drink, plus, green coconuts contain nutrients and antioxidant compounds that may protect against cellular damage and heart disease.

As the fruit matures, there  is less water and more meat.

Image by Alexandra Golovac

Green Sandwich


Green Sandwich is made with whole wheat bread, zucchini, avocado, baby green leaves, pickles, a twist of lime and our special yogurt dressing. With or without shredded mozzarella cheese


Image by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron

Freshly Squeezed Selected Fruit


Orange, tangerinewatermelon, pineapple and sugarcane are freshly squeezed by hand  just for you. Our fruits are all rinsed at our base and you are guaranteed the best tasty juice, no water added. Rich in Vitamin C oranges are refreshingly sweet, tangerines have a stronger and sometimes sweeter taste. Watermelon is refreshing and sugarcane is delicious with ginger and lime.



Vegan Sandwich

Heart of Palms Sandwich


Heart of Palm Sandwich with whole wheat bread or flat bread, baby green leaves, black olives, cucumber, avocado and of course Hearts of Palm with our special yogurt dressing.

Image by Andrei Lasc

Exotic Fruit 

Try exotic tasty fruit such as jack fruit, rambutan, lychee, guava and star fruit. Our selection varies according to seasonal availability.

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